Clothing Drive for Charleston Mission Trip

Even if you can’t go to Charleston with us, you can be a big help to our mission.  One of the things we do each year is provide a free clothing store for families in Charleston on Thursday of our Genesis Family Mission Trip.  As Summer starts, all of us have summer clothes that we don’t wear any more, or even stuff we do wear but would feel joy in giving it to someone else.  Help us out by bagging these clothes and getting them to us at Genesis.  We need summer clothes only for this, no winter clothes or coats.  We also need guys and girls stuff for kids and adults.  We do ask that you separate clothes by gender and kids or adults (so separate bags for girls, boys, womens mens).  We have three scheduled collection times for these.  Clothing bags can be brought either of the next two Sundays at the time of our service.  Or bags can be brought to the church office on Saturday June 4 at 10 am.  Or clothes can be brought to the office at other times by appointment.

You can also help us by getting the word out about this through social media.  Share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram so we can get others involved in this.  Thanks.

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