Ideas for the Discipline of Prayer – Join the Conversation

This is a list of ideas we handed out at Genesis yesterday that you might use as you seek to develop your own workout plan in the area of prayer. Discuss these ideas in your Community Group this week and add more. Join the conversation on the Genesis Blog as well. Develop a place and time for consistent prayer.

• Keep a prayer journal with lists, days of the week to pray, etc.
*Be careful to only accept what you can pray for.
• Worship – music of the heart
• Fasting
• Different postures
• Standing
• Kneeling, bowing the knee (Ephesians 3:14, Psalm 95:6)
• Lifting your hands (Psalm 28:2, I Timothy 2:8)
• Falling on your face (Matthew 26:39)
• Silence and solitude
• Find meaningful places for you
• Journaling
• Writing prayers, using poetry, stories
• Pray the Psalms
• Learn to pray now! – when someone asks you to pray
• A prayer with a chair
• Prayer walking
• Sentence prayers
• Prayer reminders
• Breath prayers
• A to Z list of needs, or list of praises
• Conversational prayer
• Find a small group to pray with you.
• Read prayers from prayer books or online sources

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