Serving our City – A Shift in our Plan for Worship Tomorrow

It has been a rough week here in Eureka.  As a church in the city we want to make sure we are serving this city, especially at this time.  With the flooding at Eureka High School we are not able to meet in our normal space this week.

But we are NOT cancelling our service, rather we are going to live out our mission philosophy and use this Sunday morning to serve our city.  We are already working on plans with some of the businesses and making contact with the Eureka Elks Lodge to find places to serve.  So our plan this week will be for us to meet in the high school parking lot at 10 AM, sing a couple songs, read Scripture, pray, and collect offerings.  We will then mobilize our congregation to go into the city to serve, help with cleanup efforts, and be agents of restoration in the city.  This is an act of worship, so I would ask that we not see this as a cancelled service, but as an expression of God’s purpose and mission in us.  We will provide childcare for non-school aged children from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM (after we gather at EHS).  Please arrive in work clothes, and bring gloves.  As we secure the jobs we will do I will also post lists of other items needed for the cleanup.

If you aren’t part of Genesis we would love to have you join us this week and help us serve Eureka.  Thanks, and God bless.

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