Gospel and Education – Some Articles for Parents & Teachers

Our sermon this week dealt with the issue of the Gospel and Education.  The issue at hand was how can we as followers of Jesus think different about education, and how can we best take leadership of the education of our kids.  These are some articles I used in my study to prepare for this sermon, and they are filled with great thoughts to help all of us as we navigate this difficult issue seeking to be salt and light in our culture.


World Magazine – Navigating Public School as a Christian Parent

Al Mohler – America’s Educational Crisis, How did it Happen?

Gospel Coalition – 3 Suggestions for Supplementing a Student’s Education

Ligonier – Teach your Children

Gospel Coalition – Know your Rights as a Christian Parent in the Public School

Desiring God – College Doesn’t Change your Heart, It Reveals It

Desiring God – How to Stay Christian on Campus

Desiring God – Back to School Basics



Gospel Coalition – What Teachers Really Need for Back to School

Gospel Coalition – Planting Seeds of Truth in the Public School – Teachers, I want to encourage you to read this article


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