Prayer Attributed to St. Patrick

A day of green clothes and green beer, but most people don’t really know the story of Patrick.  For example, did you know that Patrick was not Irish?  Actually he was from England, but as a child he was captured and sold into slavery in Ireland.  To learn more about Patrick, check out this blog from Desiring God on the mission of Patrick as he went back as an adult to the people who captured him as a teen.   Or you might check out the Veggie Tales version of St. Patrick (posted below), which can give you a great way to teach your children his story.  On this day I thought I would share a simple prayer that is attributed to Patrick, and encourage you to pray this for yourself today.

Christ be with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ int he heart of everyone who thinks of me,

Christ int he mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.

Whether or not this was really from Patrick, the heart of the prayer represents the passion of his life, that Christ be the center of his life and that every person who sees, hears, speaks of, or thinks of him see Christ in his life in such a way that He would be the words on their lips and the thought in their mind.  May we too live for Jesus and share His story so that this could truly be our prayer too.

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