Living as Citizens – Praying for those in Authority

Sunday sermon on 1 Peter 2:11-17 looked at how followers of Jesus live as citizens under human authorities while we recognize Jesus as our True King.  At the end of the sermon mentioned a simple application was to pray for those in authority over us, and even purposefully pray for them by name.  Many in attendance committed to pray during the week for as many people who have some kind of authority or leadership in our culture.  So I thought I’d throw out a list to start the prayer and conversation. This list isn’t comprehensive.  These are elected officials and other leaders whose authority is over people in Eureka.  Feel free to respond to the post to add other names.  Then pray, pray for these people.  And pray that God’s church would live out the implications of the 1 Peter passage in our city and region.  And you may want to send these people a note of encouragement telling them that you honor their service, are praying for them, and that as a servant of Jesus you humbly live under their authority.

National Office

President Barak Obama

Senators – Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill

Congresswoman – Ann Wagner

State Office

Governor – Jay Nixon

Lieutenant Governor – Peter Kinder

Secretary of State – Jason Kander

Missouri Attorney General – Chris Koster

State Senator – John Greisheimer

State Representative – Tim Jones

Local Leaders

Eureka Mayor – Kevin Coffey

Rockwood Superintendant – Dr. Terry Adams

Blevins Principal – Sharon Jackson

Eureka Elementary Principal – Lynn White

Geggie Principal – Mary Kleekamp

LaSalle Springs Principal – Debbie Brandt

EHS Principal – Deborah Asher

Chief of Police – Michael Wiegand

Eureka Fire Protection District Chief – Greg Brown

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