Art of Marriage Retreat Weekend Hosted by Genesis Church

Genesis Church will be hosting a weekend marriage retreat on November 8-9 using the Art of Marriage video material from Family Life Today.

Nov. 8, 7PM – Nov. 9, 4:30PM

Wildwood Hotel in Wildwood, MO

$140 per couple, includes room in hotel on Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning

$70 per couple—conference only

All meals are on your own

Registration materials are available on the Info. table. If you have questions email [email protected] or  visit The Art of Marriage table set up in the foyer at our Sunday service.

The Art of Marriage Event is a video experience designed for church and community settings. The Art of Marriage Event consists of six video sessions. These videos combine dramatic stories, real-life testimonies, expert interviews, humorous vignettes and other teaching methods to lay out God’s design for marriage in a fresh, engaging way. Guests attending the event are each provided a manual with projects to help them apply the principles taught in each session, augmented by dozens of articles & additional content to help them dive deeper.


One Response to “Art of Marriage Retreat Weekend Hosted by Genesis Church”

  1. Laura Pacino says:

    we will be there, I am both excited and nervous about attending. I’m a cry baby and I’m sure this is going to be a very emotional weekend. But eager to do any thing to improve my relationship.