Haiti Trip – Day 6

Sitting on the beach today posting this blog.  This is the reward for a good, hard week of work and love for Haiti.  The beach is like a Caribbean Beach, something out of one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  It is an oasis in Haiti, does not seem to fit.  But it is a good day for us after a hard work of serving House of Hope, working hard, and loving on the kids in Haiti. Jason Adams is our guest writer today, as he shares about Sunday in Haiti.

Today is the day we praise our Savior, Jesus Christ and our Team is praising our Savior with the Staff, Children & Locals in Haiti. Church starts anywhere from 7:30 – 8:45, one thing you learn in Haiti is that time is irrelevant; they do not run their lives around a schedule or a task. (Something we all may be able to learn from) Many Moms, Children, Grannies, Fathers, Sons started arriving at the Church way before the “scheduled” start time. I was amazed that even though we are in the middle of extreme poverty the Haitians were all dressed to the hilt for this sacred day. They were here to honor the Lord and this is their day. Today they had an opportunity to listen to our Pastor, Mike preached and as usual, Mike nailed the message that Jesus Christ is the way and the only way. I also overcame the fear of talking in front of Christians as Mike asked for a volunteer to help him and up until I was on stage I was terrified I would forget the message or screw it up. Once I started talking, the fear and anxiety disappeared. (Thank-you Jesus)

It is amazing to watch the Team serve and the reason we are a Team is that everyone jumps in and helps in one way or another. This morning, coffee was made before anyone else was up; the dishes are completed after every meal with no complaints, questions, or rude comments. The little things like water bottles being filled and brought to you while you’re serving.  Every day we are exhausted and we are back at it the next day like we just arrived. Every single person on this trip has been a great attribute and I truly consider them all friends and not just acquaintances since Serving along side of each and everyone.

The Children of the House have really opened up to all of the Team; they are hanging all over us. My Heart for these Children has a huge hole in it. I have finally broken through to the older girls and they are smiling and waving and communicating with me. Each night I cry thinking about these wonderful and beautiful girls. The smile of these girls is indescribable, and melts your heart.  

The hardest part of this trip has been not being able to experience this with my wife; the best part has been being able to experience this with my two daughters. I have seen both of them grow in their faith on this trip. The Team’s faith and openness is something that continues to grow each and every night. The deep conversations, prayers etc. that are discussed every morning, day and night is extremely the work of the Lord softening our hearts.

We are doing affirmations as a group (going around the circle and giving encouraging and affirming words to each team member, usually 5-6 people each night); this has been a very humbling experience. It has made me think that we let our pride and guard get in the way and we do not share enough compliments, encouragements, and praises with our fellow brothers and sisters. Just think what the World could be, if we stopped and did this every day.

Carol, Paul, Kate, and Lexan (Americans who are invested in Haiti for the long term), are amazing people. To give up everything we think is important and come to Haiti to serve speaks more volume than I can pen in this blog.

Mike says Haiti will wreck you in a good way, well Haiti has completely DESTROYED me, I’m already trying to figure out when and how we can get down here next year.

We as a Team have committed to a large project that will take all of you to help us complete and finish, more info to come on this

4 Responses to “Haiti Trip – Day 6”

  1. Eric Burnley says:

    Awesome. So glad you’re there, Jason. These trips need adult males- not just to help build stuff, but to show positive, Godly male influence to the kids. Thanks for going. Praying the trip home is safe.

  2. Sarah Eckman says:

    Jason, I think it’s amazing that you had the opportunity to share this experience with Gabby and Katie. Your church, the people of Haiti, and your family are truly lucky to have you in their life. You continue to be one of the most amazing men I know. Taking the time to volunteer and be a positive male role model is so important. Gabby and Katie are very blessed to have you as their dad, and I know Amie is extremely proud to call you her husband. God Bless and we love you!

  3. Melody Buehrle says:

    As my salty tears fill the corners of my mouth, i am humbled by the broken love in your words, dear brother. Our God is so gracious. Little do these sweet girls know that they are the true missionaries in this situation. I know coming home will be difficult for all of you. I love that you, Katie and Gabby were able to experience such a face to face experience with our Lord together and pray for your wish next year for Amie to go along comes true. Please know Mike and I have been praying al week and will continue until we have our arms around a couple of necks, hugging tight! We love you! Safe travels to all.

  4. Carla Moore says:

    I really have to stop reading the blog on my lunch hour, as I agree with Melody, and tears are abundant! What a blessing to watch the Adams family grow in their relationship with Jesus! Prayers for your safe journey home. Thank you for serving in the name of Jesus and Genesis. Love you all!