Gospel Urgency

I was reminded again this week that the mission of sharing and declaring the Gospel is an urgent one.  This past Monday evening was the last week of an 8-week New Testament History course.  In the first hour of the class I was teaching on Paul’s epistles, and specifically explaining the book of Romans.  During this lecture I give a very clear Gospel presentation, explaining human depravity and need, and sharing how Christ died as the payment to secure our salvation as a free gift from God.  I then shared how students could respond to the Gospel, and led in a time of prayer, giving these young men and women the opportunity to repent of sin and believe the Gospel of Jesus.  We then took a break, and students spilled into the hallway heading to the snack machines and bathrooms.

A few minutes later one of the students came in to share with me some tragic news.  At the very same time I was giving this lecture, a close friend of two of my students was in an automobile accident where he lost his life.  Both students were deeply grieving.  I went outside to meet them, console, and pray with them.  One of the two, a girl who is a believer shared how she went to high school with this young man, and continued to maintain a friendship with him.  Then she began to repeat these words, “I sure hope he was saved, I hope he was saved.”

I honestly was hit deeply with the gravity of the moment.  I completely believe in the sovereignty of God in all things, including the reality that He has purchased the salvation of His people and that He will save His elect.  But I also know that God has called his people to herald the amazing message of Jesus and to share this message with urgency.  In Romans 10 Paul reminds us of this truth.

    [14] How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? [15] And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

We never know when our days will end, and we have no idea when those we love and live near will breath their last.  But as people who have experience the beauty of Jesus, we do have the present, and if we share the story of Jesus God will bless.

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