The Big Game – and Big Persepective

OK, so I am a sports fan, and really enjoy the Cardinals, Rams, Blues, Tigers, Billikens…  I generally don’t want to see my passion for sports as a form of idolatry, but every so often I need to be reminded that sports is a good thing, but it so easily, for those of us with this passion, becomes an ultimate thing and our response to our teams can come very close to worship.  In fact, the truth is, that many of us will wear jerseys and go to games, with crazy anticipation.  And when something happens that excites us we will jump to our feet, applaud, scream wildly, and celebrate the wonder of our team.  And we will go into a week-long depression when they lose, or our favorite player bolts to another city.  Meanwhile, we come to church where the glory of God is declared, arriving with little expectation, rarely seeing our hearts inspired, and barely peeping when we sing to celebrate God’s goodness.  Well, with it being Superbowl Week, I came across this video by the Skit Guys which pretty much hit home and reminded me to be careful about idolatry as it comes to sporting events and teams.  So, if this is for no one else, it is for me.  God bless.

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