Internships for the Eschaton

This quote is by Russell Moore from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on our life now as preparation for the end times.  Great Quote.

If the kingdom is what Jesus says it is, then that means what matters isn’t just what we neatly classify as spiritual. The natural world around us isn’t just a temporary environment. It’s part of our future inheritance in Christ. The underemployed hotel maids we walk past silently in the hallway aren’t just potential objects of our charity; they are potential queens of the cosmos (James 2:5). Our jobs–whatever they might be–aren’t accidental. The things we do to serve in our local churches aren’t random. God is designing our lives–individually and congregationally–as internships for the eschaton. We’re learning in little things how to be put in charge of great things (Matt. 25:14-23).

–Russell Moore, ‘Kingdom: Heaven after Earth, on Earth, or Something Else? in Don’t Call it a Comeback (ed. Kevin DeYoung; Crossway, 2011), 125

One Response to “Internships for the Eschaton”

  1. Debbie S. says:

    Love this.