The blessing of Christian community when your car breaks down

So I am sitting here at the intersection of Highway 21 and MM, 10:20 PM on Monday night waiting for Leon Allen.  How’s that for an introduction.  Would make a good first line of a book, but on this night, I am just waiting in the cold in my Durango which has overheated.  I could have called a tow truck, and probably should have, but like normal, when I have car trouble, the first call is to Leon or Bob Lancaster.  Leon immediately knew what the potential problem could be, so he jumped in his car with some coolant and is on his way.  Since I had my computer, I thought I’d open it up and get some work done, but sitting here in the cold got me to thinking about how thankful I am for God’s plan for Christian community.

I see myself as a masculine dude, testosterone in overflow.  I watch football, like shooting things, and have even gone rappelling, jumping off of a cliff.  But any time I have car trouble, my masculinity takes a hit.  At that point, I can open the hood and look in, but I don’t know what to do.  As I am sitting here freezing, it is a little humbling to realize that I have to depend on someone else to help me out.  But the beauty of this night is that a Christian brother is driving my way to use his gifts and abilities to serve me when I need help.

I got a phone call last week from a guy who was asking for some financial help.  He wanted money to purchase some things he and his family needed.  The details here don’t really matter, but as I spoke to him I asked about his involvement in a church.  He told me he wasn’t connected anywhere.  As our conversation continued, he began getting a little agitated.  I was trying to find a way to help the guy, but he wanted a quick cash handout, which we weren’t prepared to do.  He then asked me an interesting question.  He said, “If you were in my situation, and your family had needs, what would you do?”  I told him that if I was in need where our family had needs, the first thing I would do is look to my church family and the people with whom I live in community.

When God saves us, he doesn’t leave us alone.  God gives us his presence, but he also puts us in a family where we are loved and accepted.  In this family, some people are better at some things, while some are better at others.  Some are gifted in certain areas, others gifted in others.  On this night, the beauty of Christian community is a blessing to me.  I am not real good with car stuff, but Leon is amazing.  I am writing the end of this in the warmth of my home, enjoying a fire, still warming up from sitting in my cold car.  But Leon knew just what to do, and we got the vehicle home.  For me, it was a great reminder of why we need each other.

Oh yeah, one other thing.  Thanks Leon!

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