Devotion – Hebrews 3

Who is the greatest of all time?  If you are really into sports, you probably love to debateover which player was the best.  I remember as a kid getting involved in these discussions about basketball players.  Some people though Wilt Chamberlin was the greatest.  He scored 100 points in a game, and was dominant.  Others would argue Kareem Abdul Jabbar, with his 7’2″ frame and ability to do it all.  Others would argue that Magic Johnson was the greatest, while others would say Larry Bird.  But then a guy named Mike came along, and the debate pretty much ended.  Michael Jordan could do things no other player ever did.  Some were skeptical early in his career, thinking he was an individual player, not a team player.  But after winning six championships, multiple scoring titles, and a number of Most Valuable Player awards, most people would agree that Jordan is the best.

At the writing of the New Testament, if you were to ask the average Jew who was the greatest of all time, they wouldn’t have much trouble finding an answer.  While they might like David, and his royalty.  Or Daniel and his prayer life.  In the end, there was no doubt that Moses was the ultimate hero.  God used Moses in miraculous ways to deliver the Hebrew people out of slavery and lead them to the promised land.  His accomplishments put Moses at the top of the list.

But then a man named Jesus came along, and everything changed.  Moses was a laborer in God’s house, but Jesus was the creator of the house.  Moses was a servant, but Jesus was God’s Son.  Moses was a great man, but Jesus was God in the flesh.

Sadly, at the time of Moses, the people did not follow his leadership or believe God.  Moses led the Hebrew people to the Jordan River (no, not named after Mike) which was on the border of the Promised Land.  God had promised them that if they would go into the land, that God would fight the battle and give this land to them.  But instead of following Moses lead, and God’s command, they cowered at the fact that there were “giants in the land.”  As a result, the Hebrew people following Moses spent the next 39 years wandering around the desert.  None of the adults over the age of 20 were allowed to enter the land (except the two who believed God, Joshua and Caleb).  Even Moses himself died before going into Israel.  Moses was a great leader, but in the end the people did not follow him or believe God.

In the same way, Jesus is our leader.  He has prepared the way for those who trust Him and believe to enter into the promised land of eternal life.  He has paved the way.  Sadly, many will not enter into God’s plan because they don’t trust Jesus, and don’t believe God.  Do you realize that Jesus is the greatest of all time?

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