Haiti, Day 3 – Dancing girls, hortoculture, and a sick teen

Our guest blogger is Erin Bounds.

When I woke up this morning, I sat on my mat on the roof and enjoyed the breeze.  This is a beautiful country!  Breakfast was scrambled eggs with peppers.  However, Aaron did not eat.  He was feeling a little under the weather.

Today we added another coat to the ceiling in the cafeteria.  Actually, the boys did that.  I helped spread gravel and sand between tiles outside.  It was awesome.  I have to admit, this is my kind of vacation.  I hate sitting still.  I like doing things!

Lunch today was an incredible soup.  It was spicy, savory, and filling.  I was told that it contained potatoes and some kind of banana!  There was some type of meat, too.  The general consensus was that it was goat.

After lunch, we planted prickly plants in the courtyard.  (One was covered in ants.)  Apparently, one was sharp enough to poke through leather gloves.   However, the finished product looked beautiful!

In the evening, I wandered out to the courtyard to hang out with the girls.  My goal was to learn names for the girls playing.  Mica came and jumped in my lap.  They love to search my pockets and fiddle with my necklace.  She found my camera and I taught her how to use it.  (She kept putting her finger in front of the camera.)  Gradually, more of the team and girls came out.  Christian, one of the Americans helping, gathered some of the girls and they performed a dance for us.  I told them they were Tres Bell, very beautiful!

Take a few minutes to pray for Aaron Holdegraver tonight.  He has not felt well all day and may have a low grade fever.  We are excited that tomorrow we have the opportunity to go worship with a Haitian church.  God bless.

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