Mission Charleston – Day 2

Melody Buehrle is writing our blog today.

Wow! What a day! We woke up early (for me!) and went to work! Many, including the kids, dove into over 100 HUGE grocery bags and 20-ish boxes full of donated clothes.  Those who were not knee deep in clothing spent the day digging a hole and preparing for the plumber to get things ready to get the kitchen rolling, taped the walls ,  helped get things ready for Kid’s Club, played with our kids and pampered Mary and Grace. MUCH was accomplished!

The rain was an issue. It was cloudy then clear, then raining, then dry…you get the picture. Finally about an hour before time for the kids to arrive Bob heard a forecast that a storm was supposed to be moving thru  quickly. So, as on any productive mission trip, we readjusted the flow and decided to move the kid’s inside! 61 kids and all of us in the church was nothing less than adventurous! John from the Missouri Baptist Convention was here to discuss percussion instruments with the kids and had them playing all kinds of drums, and I can honestly atest to the fact that Mike Hubbard CAN NOT carry a beat! He tried and was a good sport but that gene skipped his blood stream! HA!HA!

While the children were here, there were many types of situations that stole my heart. Big beautiful eye gazing at you with hope for fun, some simply gazing for hope. Everyone wanted hugs and one little girl actually jumped in my arms, laid her head on my shoulder and told me I was so soft! The situation that broke my heart was an altercation between two boys about a toy. I realized some of thier lifes are full of neglect, anger, bitterness and the list goes on. Being taugh how to  love seems to be the furthest thing from the events of their day.

I am so humble at this moment and thank God for the opportunuty to be a part of Genesis. Missions are such a part of our church and a soft place in my heart. Please pray for the families we are serving.

One Response to “Mission Charleston – Day 2”

  1. Hi everyone! Your mission trip sounds exciting and successful. Thank you for writing the blog so we know what you are doing. We have been praying for good weather, safety, and success in your mission. Tell Josiah that Mattie says hi, and misses him. We love you all.