Mission Charleston Update – Day One

We are planning post updates about our mission trip daily on the blog, having different people on the trip write each day.  We are also going to try to set up a Flickr account with pictures in the next couple days.  Be sure to read about the adventure to Charleston, MO here this week.  Tonight Terry Lancaster is going to share some thoughts.

Hello from Charleston, Missouri!  We arrived about 7 p.m. – all 12 vehicles and two trailers packed full!  We brought all the clothes, toys, tools, candy and supplies that we could fit.  Everyone has been so generous with everything that they have given to help this trip.  We even talked Mike Buehrle into driving down just to bring an extra truckload of supplies, then he turned around and headed home.

Already it has been a wonderful time of getting to know each other and discovering what God has in store for us this week.  We  spent an hour and a half unloading everything and we finding out what we left behind.  Everyone has pitched in to help.  You would be especially proud of how hard the kids and teens are working to sort through everything.  We got together about 8:30 to discuss what our day will look like tomorrow.  Our theme for this week is “I can do anything” – from Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  We talked about how we will all be called on to do any and everything this week – from playing with kids to leading kids to construction to cleaning to sorting to cooking to serving.  We will never know from one minute to the next what we will need to do, but we can do it with God’s help.  Everyone signed a poster commiting to “I can do anything.”

Thanks, in advance for praying for us this week.  I especially ask you to pray for it not to rain.  We need to have a great big exciting time with the kids outside every day.  Thanks for your support and all you have done to help us.  We love you all.

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