Prayer Emphasis – Prayer Calendar

During May, we are going to have a church-wide prayer emphasis.  The Elders believe that our church needs to develop and grow in our individual and corporate prayer lives.  We see, even in ourselves a lack of dependence on God, a lack of desperation to experience His presence, and a shallowness in our prayer.

As part of this emphasis, we are challenging every person connected to Genesis in any way to join us in spending at least five minutes each day in May praying.  With the incredible help of Melody Buehrle (of whom I am incredibly grateful), we created this calendar designed to guide you through a 31 day prayer experience.  Each day follows the acrostic:

P – Praise: Giving your love, thanks, and worship to God

R – Repent: Being honest about your sin and struggle

A – Ask: we will give you at least three issues in which you will ask God to work

Y – Yield: Following the example of Jesus in praying, “not my will, but yours be done.”

If you didn’t pick up a copy at church last week, download the PDF here.  Use it in your personal prayer life, and you may find great joy by including your family in the journey.  But join us, pray with us, seek God deeply with Genesis.  May we find great joy in the journey.  God bless.

Genesis Prayer Calendar for May

One Response to “Prayer Emphasis – Prayer Calendar”

  1. Laurie Hintz says:


    I had the pleasure of seeing your Dad last Friday at the Zoo. Sounds like God really watched over him this past year and he is in good health now. He didn’t get into specifics, but was obviously thankful.
    I wanted to let you know that I think of you and Heidi often and Genesis church is in my prayers. I’m happy to hear the church is growing. Andy said you had 150 or so amazing conversions so far. That’s amazing! Congratulations on Mary and Grace. I loved the pictures you sent and hope you send some more soon.
    We are doing well. I am no longer attending BBC. I felt God leading me to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. My husband and I and the kids attend every Sunday together as a family. I am actually leading a women’s Bible study, Beth Moore. Their Womens Ministry was basically non-existent. I brought up the need and teamed up with another woman and we are doing this thing called Girlfriends Unlimited. It’s pretty cool. Anyway, not to bore you with details.
    God is doing amazing things in our lives. He is good.
    Love in Christ,