Sermon on the Mount – resources

With every sermon series, I want to throw out a Bibliography of resources I will be using, so that those of you who would like to do further study will have some options.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount: And His Confrontation with the World by D. A. Carson – Fairly deep and theological dealing expositionally with Matthew 5-10

The Message of teh Sermon on the Mount from “The Bible Speaks Today” Commentary series, edited by John R. W. Stott – this is a fabulous little commentary on the text of the Sermon on the Mount.

The Sermon on the Mount: The Character of a Disciple by Daniel M. Doriani – Doriani is the pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in Clayton and has served as a professor at Covenant Seminary.  The book does a good job of applying the teaching of Jesus to life today.

The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World by Sinclair Ferguson – Good book with balance between exposition and application

Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones – One of the great preachers of the 20th Century, Dr. Lloyd-Jones served as the minister of Westminster Chapel in London.   The book contains the text of some 30 sermons he preached from the text of the Sermon on the Mount.

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