Mission Trip Update

I am sitting in a parking lot getting a very weak internet signal, and this is about the best I could do.  But I thought it was worth it to find a free public wifi location to leave everyone back home a bit of an update on our trip to Oak Grove, KY.  There are 22 of us here, and so far, it has been great, and God has been wonderful.

The construction crew has been working diligently to pull electrical cable and install outlet and switch boxes.  We have finished most of that work.  The electrical inspector is coming tomorrow.  Pray that our work will meet code and that he will approve it.  If he does, we will begin laying insulation and putting up dry wall on Thursday.

The kids clubs have been amazing.  We are doing two.  The  morning club has about 8-10 kids.  The morning club is in a grassy area in front of the church building in which we are working.  The afternoon club is at an area park. The first day they had 23, and today they had 37 kids.  About two thirds of these kids are African-American, which opens a very good door for multi-cultural ministry for Living Waters Church here in Oak Grove.  We are planning a hotdog cookout for Thursday evening for the kids who have been attending the clubs and their families.  The evening will include and a program with songs and stories from the kids clubs.  The pastor will have a few minutes to speak and introduce himself to kids and their parents.

Speaking of the pastor, as I was writing this blog, he called me.  His name is David Coram.  He was just in a car accident.  He said that other than being a little shaken up, he is alright.  But his car is totaled.  Pray for pastor Coram.

Tomorrow is a fun day for us.  We will work in the morning, but take the afternoon off to tour the Fort Campbell Army Base and do some of their weapons simulators.  The group will go out and eat together.

It’s been a fabulous week.  God is doing incredible things.  Living the mission of God is incredible, and such a huge blessing.  God bless.

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