My denominational heritage – the environment, climate change, and stewardship

O.K., so I have to say that this is one of the times I am proud of the folks associated with my denominational heritage, Southern Baptists.  Most of the time, they are about 10 years behind important cultural issues, but I think they are in step with the concerns of our world right now.  In an effort to educate believers in Jesus, and make a positive impact on the world, some SBC leaders have created the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative.

The group has developed a declaration on the environment and climate change and encouraged leaders and other Christians to sign it.  I think it is a very good declaration and have signed it.  The website also has other resources and links to help us consider practical ways we can be good stewards of the beautiful Creation that God has entrusted to us, and that He loves deeply.

Let me know what you think about this initiative, and if you have ideas we as a church might want to consider, let me know.

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