Preparing your family for Holy Week and Easter

One of the things I like to do with this blog is to point people to resources that they can use to grow in their faith, or to lead their family.  Easter is a great teaching moment.  It is a great time for each of us to focus on our utter need of grace and the unbelievable love of God demonstrated in the coming of Jesus.  Easter week is also a great time to teach and train kids.  So when I come across a resource that will help me capture that teaching moment, and help me and my family experience the beauty of Holy Week, I definitely want to pass that on to you as well.

John Piper’s wife, Noel has prepared a set of creative and very good devotions to be used during Holy Week.  You can find them at the Desiring God website. They can be done individually, as a family, or with a group.  If you do them with your family or a group, she has included a creative use of candles to give a powerful imagery.  The readings begin on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, which is this weekend, and end on Easter day.  Hope you will give them a try.  God bless.

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