Resource for Lent

We had a great prayer time at Solid Rock this morning, and I want to thank those of you who joined me. Lent is a 40 day period of time designed to prepare Christians for the coming of Good Friday and Easter. At our prayer time this morning I recommended a resource that can help you with this, John Piper’s book, The Passion of Christ (The book was re-released with the title, 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die). The book has short chapters, two or three pages, that give very good Biblical reasons for the death of Jesus and our need for the cross.

Piper’s organization, Desiring God, has made this book available at no cost in a PDF format online. Click here to download this book. I am planning to read a chapter each day, and maybe two chapters on weekends to get through all 50 between now and Easter. Join me in this journey.

Have a great day, and a Christ-focused Ash Wednesday.

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