Website Enhancements Coming Your Way

As some of you regular visitors may have noticed, there have been some changes around Genesis Church’s internet home. Most notably is the wider format, and larger text. This isn’t because some of the over-the-hill types, like Mike, were complaining that the site was hard to read. In fact, I’ve never even heard that complaint. Although the readability of the site was one of the reasons behind the change, it’s not the only reason. The wider format allows for greater options, as far as new features are concerned, which will allow us to offer more content, without having to cram everything in.

One of the things that’s bothered me for a while, is the fact that we don’t have any pictures of Genesis Church people doing their thing. No pictures showing Mike pacing back and forth across the stage as he gets excited. No pictures of Perry and Leon working the computer wizardry, so that you can sing along with Nick and the band, or follow along with Mike to make sure he doesn’t stray off topic. You can’t see Dave as he tweaks the soundboard to send sweet melodies to your ears. Nowhere will you see the ladies who crank up the juice on the on the coffee makers, you can get your morning jolt, or even a bit of sophistication with your English tea. You can’t see the people who make sure that everyone feels welcome, whether it’s the guys who get you to your parking spot, of the ladies and gentlemen who greet you, and show you the way to your seat. You can’t see Kristi and her fantastic crew as they take the kids on a Western adventure. I’m sure I’m leaving someone out, but this thing is getting long, and I’m sure you get the point by now.

To fix this, Genesis Church is making a move into the world of Web 2.0. We now have a Flickr account. Here we can share with you, and the world, the photographic splendor captured by the Genesis crew. While our first set doesn’t fix all of our problems, it does let others know, that we really are a church, and we really do have people. All of our photos are downloadable, so if you find one that you like, Flickr makes it easy to get. Visit the site, and get to know it, because there’s more where that came from.

Soon, our pictures will be better integrated into the site, so stay tuned for that. Along with integrating the pictures from our Flickr account, there are a few other features we’re working on. We’re pretty excited about them, but as most of them don’t have a timeline, I don’t want to tease you by mentioning them now.

I now leave you with this tasty morsel. Chew on it. If you have more that one stomach, chew on it again, and repeat as necessary. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions! : Cartoon for Jan 3, 2007:

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