World Changers pictures from Indiana

We have 14 youth and adults in Muncie, IN this week working as a part of the World Changers mission project. I think there are over 200 from multiple churches in Muncie. They are repairing homes for low-income residents, and sharing their faith in neighborhoods. Many of you have received updates from Melody Buehrle about the project (if you haven’t let me know and I can forward those to you). Keep praying for this group as they finish the last two days of work, and then for their return home on Saturday.

I wanted to give you link to a picture album with pictures from the project. There are some very good pictures of some of our group, along with the others there in Muncie. So here goes.

World Changers Pictures

By the way, the easiest way to find people from Genesis is to look at the crew pictures first. These are the ones with groups of 8-12 in a picture together. If one of our students or adults is in that picture, then they might be in the pictures right before or right after.

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