Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 5 Project for couples (ladies)

Hey, guys. If you are reading this post, stop. It is for your wives. Pass it on to her, but you be sure to check out the week 4 project for yourself.

This week’s project is for the ladies, so guys, if you have this, pass it on to your wife. The challenge this week was to become the woman God designed you to be in your marriage. The project has two aspects. First, listen to a message by Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church titled, Women and Femininity. You can find the sermon online at:


(The sermon is in two parts on the website)

We believe this message will challenge you. Driscoll’s ideas are controversial, but they will make you think, especially in light of the reality that just about every other voice in our culture comes from the direct opposite point of view. Listen to the message, interact with it, be challenged by it.
The second part of your project relates to expressing your respect to your husband. We want to encourage you to take a sheet of paper and make a list of the qualities in your husband that you respect.  Take some time with this, and include things you respect about his leadership, his providing for your family, and the way he cares for you and your kids. Make it a good list. Then, do two things with the list. First, spend time with your husband this week and share the list with him. Then, make it a goal to demonstrate your respect for your husband by complementing him with at least one thing from this list each week for the next several weeks.

At the candle — Read Proverbs 31:10-31. Husbands, pray that your wife will become this sort of woman in your home

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