Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 4 project for couples (guys)

Sorry. I thought this had posted, but somehow it didn’t get out on our blog. So here is this week’s project for couples. Ladies, this is for the guys, so don’t read it or you might have a surprise spoiled. Encourage your husband to check it out.

O.K. guys, the challenge this week was to man up, lead and love your wife. We want to give you two things to do to this week. First, listen to a message by Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church titled, Men and Masculinity. You can find the sermon online at:


Listen to the message and interact with it. You may not like everything said in this message, but we chose it because Driscoll raises some great issues as it relates to men and masculine leadership.
The second part of the project is to plan a date night for your wife (not the couple’s date night we have planned for later this month). Get with your wife and select a date on the calendar. Once you have the date selected, protect it. Don’t let work or other plans nudge this date out.  Then, plan the date from start to finish, and surprise her.  Choose something that she will enjoy doing with you. You might choose a movie or a show, something around St. Louis, or some form of recreation. Be sure to include plans for dinner. And, if you have kids, you make the plans for the baby sitting. The only thing she should have to worry about is what time to be ready and what to wear. Make the date night memorable. Keep things secret until you go, she will love this. Use this evening as a time to lead her heart and demonstrate your love. It will be worth it.

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