Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 1, Couples

You are about to embark on an adventure. For the next ten weeks, Mike will be speaking from the Bible about issues related to your marriage. Each week, you will also receive a project to do with your spouse. These projects are designed to help you apply the material from the message, and to give you some practical steps to develop a great marriage.

This weeks project is designed to give you and your spouse a place to start meeting for prayer and Bible reading. For some of you that may be a weird, different sort of activity, but believe me, it will be fantastic. Mike has produced a reading list for the series, so be sure to pick up a copy of the reading list (if you forgot it, you can find it on our blog). OK, here we go. As a couple, go somewhere and buy a candle together. Men, don’t send your wife, go with her. You might try Wal-Mart or similar stores. Or, guys, if you really want to impress your wife, take her to Yankee Candle or to another home decor store with candles. Bring the candle home and put it in a special place where you and your spouse can spend time together and alone. This candle will be your “altar”, the place where you and your wife will meet God together. A candle is a great image. Many of you used a unity candle in your wedding, and this can remind you of the two flames becoming one. A candle also emits light, a reminder that Jesus is the light of our lives and homes.

Once you have found a great place for your marriage altar, begin meeting together at least once a week for prayer, and to read the Scripture from the reading list, and to talk about issues that came up in the message or in life. Be sure to light the candle. If this is new, keep the prayer simple, just ask for God’s best for your spouse and for God to protect him or her.
During your time this week, read Genesis 2:15-25. Discuss this question:

– What are the ways that we can see that our marriage is a path to our relationship with God?

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